Secret Flight Club
Secret Flight Club

Secret Flight Club up to 81%

Members receive up to 81% savings on their purchase.

  • Members save up to 81% off flight deals*
  •  Average member savings per return flight is £143 per booking*
  •  Join and receive 50% off our premium membership fee!
  • Error Fares and secret flight deals for Europe, long haul and business fares sent daily

* Terms and conditions apply.

About Secret Flight Club

Secret Flight Club saves members up to 81% off flights and £143 on return airfares. Plus receive 50% off our Membership today!
At the Secret Flight Club, our flight deal experts want to inspire everyone to travel more, see the world and bring families together, wherever they are in the world.
Our team of secret flight deal experts use their keen eye, market-leading technology and great relationships with global airlines to find you amazing flight deals, secret flights, error fares and cheap flights for popular routes all around the world.
Our secret prices can often save you up to 81% off standard airfare prices for popular routes and destinations. We also find weekly flights under £25 return, meaning you get can get away for less. Some of the deals are so secret, the airlines don’t want you to know about them.

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