Runners Need
Runners Need

Runners Need 12.5%

Members receive 12.5% savings on their purchase.

  • 12.5% discount on full-priced items
  • Free in-store appointments
  • 100 days returns
  • 3-year extended warranty

* Terms and conditions apply.

About Runners Need

Adhering to the passions and principles of their founders, Runners Need help you to achieve your personal fitness goals with the latest products from world-leading brands, friendly, expert advice and a personal service that you can trust.
Runners Need in-store experts are passionate about running and want to share that enthusiasm and knowledge, which is why you can visit them in-store and online for expert guidance on anything from training, racing and nutrition to footwear, clothing and electronics.
Runners Need believe that a great running experience begins with the right shoe, so staff are trained to offer free video gait analysis and professional fitting services in every store.

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